Things I must do to complete the journey

  • My career...(Do somthing I love, not for Min. wage)
  • My Depression...(Forgiveness & Finding Joy)
  • My Spirituality...(learn to talk to God again)
  • My Lonliness...(Get yourself out there!!)
  • My Passion...(Enhance things I enjoy)
  • My Body...(make-up, clothes, hair)
  • My talents...(music, writing)
  • My health...(exercise)
  • My weight...(diet)

Thursday, March 18, 2010


So, I went to interview today for a job as a security guard at the local casino, and I think it went ok. But, I'm still depressed about having to go back to work.

I hate money. It used to be we could trade good or services and barter to get what we want. And I hate the rich stupid snobby socialites of Hollywood, (Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Jessica Simpson), who spend more on a purse than I make in a year then set a bad example for young girls. They don't have to worry about where their next meal come from, and if they did they'd probably throw it up.

And I hate feeling this way inside. I feel so hollow, so empty, so void, so barren. I still haven't wept yet for losing my children. I still haven't mourned yet at the loss of my brother. I still have trouble eating, sleeping and getting out of bed in the morning.

I still don't care if I live or die.....

So why go back to work?

1 comment:

  1. Im rooting for you. Id offer you some money if i had any myself, but i have you bookmarked and you are a person i check in on frequently. dont give up. I know you can do it
